Big Country EC At-A-Glance



With a membership base exceeding 6,000



Our distribution system serves over 13,500 meters



... and continues to expand as we near 5,400 miles of built line!

Mission Statement

Our mission at Big Country Electric Cooperative (BCEC) is to be the first-choice electric provider. Through safe, reliable, competitive service, we deliver quality of life for our members, communities, and employees that bring us all together.

BCEC was formed January 1, 1999, upon the consolidation of Midwest and Stamford Electric Cooperatives. BCEC is a non-profit distribution electric cooperative serving rural communities in 12 West Texas counties: Borden, Fisher, Garza, Haskell, Jones, Kent, Mitchell, Nolan, Scurry, Shackelford, Stonewall and Throckmorton. BCEC has three offices located in Roby, Snyder and Stamford, Texas. 

Map of BCEC Service Area


Annual Meetings and Board of Directors

As a member-owner of Big Country Electric Cooperative, you are an owner of a $61 million cooperative corporation. BCEC serves more than 13,500 meters. We have over 5,400 miles of line serving farms, homes, industries and schools with dependable electric service.

Each person receiving service from Big Country Electric Cooperative is encouraged to actively participate in the business of the cooperative by attending the Annual Meeting. A meal is served and entertainment is provided before the business meeting begins. At the Annual Meeting, you will also hear reports of the progress and future plans of your cooperative from the President of the Board, Secretary/Treasurer of the Board and the General Manager.

Seven members serve on the BCEC Board of Directors. They are selected by and from the membership at the Annual Meeting. Each board member is elected to serve for a three-year term. Elections are staggered with grouped Districts 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Our History

Click below to learn about who Big Country is today and how we got here. 

History of Midwest, Stamford, and Big Country Electric Cooperatives


Bylaws of Big Country Electric Cooperative

Learn more about the Cooperative!