We're sending THREE students from the Big Country to be part of Youth Tour history in June 2025!
Youth Tour has been a Texas electric co-op tradition since 1965, when co-ops - inspired by then - Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson who encouraged youths to go to Washington to see their American heritage and government at work, “what the flag stands for and represents” - began sponsoring teens on this trip.
Educating and mentoring young people fit in with co-ops’ mission to support the communities they serve. Since the 1960s, more than 4,000 Texans and 50,000 young Americans have taken advantage of this special opportunity offered by their electric cooperatives.
Now YOU have the opportunity to Join the Tour in '25! Click the button below to apply!
It's simple, submit your application below and receive a link to upload your video submission on the topic: Understanding the Electric Grid: Explain how the electric grid works, and the role cooperatives play in maintaining it.

Application deadline is Thursday, January 23, 2025. Video submission deadline is Thursday, January 30, 2025.
Need a helpful example to get started on YOUR Youth Tour video? See the prize-winning videos of our top three winners from 2022!
Their topic was: The rolling blackouts in February 2021 rocked the state of Texas. Most consumers don’t understand what led to that situation, or how Texas’ utility grid and energy market operate. In a maximum five-minute video, explain what happened and why, how Texas’ utility grid and energy market work, and why it’s important for consumers to understand that.