Irrigation Rate Options

Big Country Electric Cooperative offers three irrigation rates for your energy consumption. 

OPTION A - Flat Rate
$0.116875 per kWh per month
OPTION B - Stepped Charge
First 100 kWh/installed HP $0.154776 per kWh per month
Next 100 kWh/installed HP $0.100632 per kWh per month
Over 200 kWh/installed HP $0.059482 per kWh per month

OPTION C - Off-Peak Usage
All kWh @ $0.116875 per kWh per month
Off-Peak kWh @ $0.085688 per kWh per month
On-Peak Usage
On-Peak Demand Charge @ $9.20 per On-Peak Operating HP per month
On-Peak kWh @ $0.085688 per kWh per month

June-September Off-Peak Periods:
Mon 7:01 pm to Tues 2:59 p.m.
Tues 7:01 pm to Wed 2:59 p.m.
Wed 7:01 pm to Thurs 2:59 p.m.
Thurs 7:01 pm to Fri 2:59 p.m.
Fri 7:01 pm to Mon 2:59 p.m.
June-Sept On Peak Periods: Anytime not defined as Off-Peak Period.


Please carefully review the above options and make your selection for the 2025 irrigation year by submitting your information below. It is important that we have your correct horsepower so that we can bill your account accurately. There is also an Annual Horsepower charge of $19.50 per horsepower ($97.50 minimum). If you have a center pivot, multiply your total drive horsepower on your pivot by 25% to find your Billing horsepower for your center pivot. Then add the horsepower for your pump to this amount for your Total Billing Horsepower. 

In considering the choice of Option A or Option B, it is essential to try and determine how often you will be watering. If you water more than 45% of the month, choose Option B. If you begin watering during the last few days of the month and running over into the next month only a few days, you will not utilize the benefits of choosing Option B. In choosing Option C, it is essential to remember that you must irrigate during Off-Peak hours to avoid the On-Peak Demand Charge. Should you choose Option B, we encourage you to adapt your irrigation schedule based on the calendar month, as we will read Options B & C on the first day of each month. Again, please review all the information shown above.


If you have any questions or revisions, please notify your nearest contact as soon as possible. 

Roby Area
Jeremy McArthur or Andrew Porter

Stamford Area
Joe Brewer or Gary Adams

Snyder Area
Brian Hinkle or Corbin Smith

For each irrigation meter that is on your billing statement, you will need to select a rate.

Member Name

In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
For members with multiple irrigation meters: Select the options that match the number of accounts for your irrigation meters. Ensure all your meters are accounted for before scrolling to the bottom and submitting the form.
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
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In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
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In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
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In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
In the above example, the area where the meter numbers are located are highlighted in red boxes. 
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